Board of Trustees


Board of Trustees of UMMI consists of people who care of UMMI, mainly are from Muhammadiyah Organization. The members are scientists, government officials, businessmen and other public figures. The board consists of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and several members. Management and Membership of the board are assigned by Badan Pengurus Harian (BPH) [en: Executive Board] based on the proposal of Rector upon the consideration of the University Senate.

Duties and Functions

  1. Assisting the Leader of UMMI in creating and maintaining good relations among UMMI, agencies/institutions (government and private) and the community.
  2. Giving ideas and advices to the leader of UMMI for the sake of UMMI development and advancement.
  3. Encouraging and enchancing  good atmosphere to realize the identity of UMMI,  developing Islamic-science and technology in order to build the Nation.